Quick answers to common questions about our services and company.

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About GitLabHost

Questions related to our company, certifications and partnerships.


Questions related to our technical features and additional options.

  • Is it possible to use a Dutch provider?
    Yes, if you're in need of supplier chain that is based in the Netherlands for 100%, we can use a Dutch provider like TransIP.
  • Which hosting locations are supported?
    You can set up an instance in any continent and GitLabHost provides support for the following specific locations: Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt, Bangalore, Singapore, Toronto, New York City and San Francisco.
  • Can you periodically send a backup to our own AWS S3-bucket?
    Yes, we can send you a weekly or monthly backup to your own AWS S3-bucket. Just open a ticket with our support and we will get this sorted. Please don't send the credentials via email.
  • How do backups work?
    We create nightly incremental backups, encrypt them and store them at an off-site location in The Netherlands. Please get in touch with support if you want us to restore a backup.


Questions related to payment options, licenses, updates and support.

More questions? Get in touch.


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